Real Time DashBoards

For our real time dashboards we use a combination of statistical programming languages and deploy the results to a simple Web Based Interface.  This can be securely hosted on local servers, or deployed in the cloud for access anywhere.  The dashboards are built to suit, and designed with the operation to ensure the information we deliver is adding the most value possible.   View demonstration dashboard.

Custom AI Driven Reporting

Our custom reports are just that, custom.  We take into account each operations unique constraints, then build reports to detail the operation.  We deliver the information in an extremely detailed fashion, with fully explained interpretation and easy to follow formats.  It is extremely important that the information we provide is being received in a manner in which all tiers of the operation can use.  This is where our experience comes into play, we know how to deliver information that is well suited for its target audience. Our artificial intelligence takes our reporting to the next level, calling out specific issues in a quicker manner than even the most in-tune analyst could imagine.

Data Consulting

We offer a full range of statistical consultative services to manufacturing operations.  Where we stand out is our opposition to pushing one constraint down the throats of unique operations.  We take the time to understand how you operate, and then develop systems that are suited for you.  Some groups make widgets, and all widgets are the same, some groups make various meat products, but no cow is the same.  Why would we market one concept, one structure, or a one size fits all platform for such unique operations?  We don't.