Relevant Stats Customizable Platform
Real-Time Data Collection
Custom Built User Forms
Tailored to specific operational areas
Take spreadsheets off the production floor
Integration With Existing Data Sources
Current database migration
Data pulled from current in-house tools
Customized to Collect Valuable Information
Current operating throughput
Pounds/Man Hour
Standard vs. Actual
Custom defined metrics
Our data collection and organization will help provide analytics to measure operational costs in terms of time, money and resources. Essential information to measure current success, areas of opportunity, and future projections.
Custom Data Visualization
Real Time Data Visualization
Custom defined charts fed live data from the production floor
Dashboard allows user input to manipulate real-time charts based on predefined variables (e.g. Product, Area, Line, Data Type, Date Range, etc...)
Focused on cost based metrics to give the users immediate access to information directly effecting the bottom line
Statistical process control charts to verify standards are being met
Real-time visualization leads to real-time decision making, which directly impacts operational profitability