Our Mission:
Relevant Stats LLC was born out of necessity while working with various food/industrial manufacturing operations. Data collection and visualization techniques used in many operations today are lacking, antiquated, or completely insufficient to meet the demands of a commodity driven market with slim margins. We specialize in Analysis and Data Visualization, while making the information readily available and easy to understand.
Relevant Stats LLC Offers:
Cost effective custom web application platform/dashboards. View demo.
Real time user-defined analytics
Relevant statistical operational guidelines
Let us help your operation make data backed decisions for everyday operational demands as well as future projections.
About Us:
Our group consists of professionals who have held various roles within food & industrial manufacturing operations, from Quality Management, Statistical Process Control, and Operations Management. Our platform provides valuable information to manufacturing facilities/industrial operations at a reasonable cost. Our platforms are built with the end user in mind, with easy to use data collection methods, and easy to interpret visualizations of the data. We deliver these platforms in weeks, with real-time analytics, custom built and catered to your operation. We believe our work stands on its own merit, and will never advertise our customer base to gain market share. Data privacy is at the core of what we do, and your name does not belong on our website or marketing materials.